Basic SUDOKU for dyslexic learners (with letters)

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The classical Sudoku is a large 9×9 square. It is also divided into nine 3×3 squares. This sudoku is for  dyslexic learners with poor logical thinking skills or for dyslexic learners with severe dyslexia. The task is to fill in the open small boxes with letters/numbers/words so that each line and column contains the numbers, letters or words given. The game provides for visual recognition and visual sequencing training.

Training with Sudoku is particularly recommended for individuals with dyslexia and/or dyscalculia.  It strengthens logical thinking, and helps dyslexic/dyscalculic individuals to memorize/retain abstract symbols through play.

Sudoku holds the attention for a designated foreseeble timespan: The puzzle lasts several minutes, and therefore has an optimal timespan.

It also improves memorization/retention of numbers, letters or words and logical thinking.

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